Sunday, April 22, 2012

biology quiz

1. Which famous scientist introduced the idea of natural selection?
ans: Charles Darwin

2.How many teeth does an average human adult have?
ans: 32

3. What is the pulse rate of an average healthy human being?
ans: 72 beats per minute

4.  What is the name given to the green pigment in plants?
ans:  Chlorophyll

5.  How is the age of a tree determined?
ans:  By counting the annual rings in a cut trunk

6. Who observed living cell first?
ans: Anton Von Leeuwenhoek

7. The study of fruit is called
ans:  pomology

 8. The most abundant substance in protoplasm is
ans: Water

9. Science dealing with study of fishes is known as
ans: Icthyology

10. Scientific culture of silkworm is
ans: Sericulture

11. Paleontology is the study of:
ans: Fossils

12. Who discovered the relation between mosquito and malaria?
ans: Ronald Ross

13. Farmers can keep their soil fertile by:
ans: crop rotation

14.  Which food stuff turns blue-black when brought in contact with iodine?
ans: Starch

15.  Coal is formed due to the process of...?
ans: Carbonization

16. Larva of butterfly and moth is called as
ans: Caterpillar

17. Helix is the name of
ans: Garden snail

18. The cavity in the body of  "hydra" is called
ans: Coelenteron

19. Highest unit of classification is
ans: Kingdom

20. How many chambered are there in heart of frog?
ans: 3-chambered

21. The larva of mosquito is called
ans: Wriggler

22. The mode of nutrition in fungi is mostly
ans: Saprophytic

23. Which gland produce growth hormone?
ans: pituitary gland

24.The drugs taken by us are metabolized in
ans: liver

25. Which is the largest of human body?
ans: skin

26.  Plant of biology dealing with distribution of plants on earths surface is called
ans: phytogeography

27. Study of soil and soil content is called
ans: Edaphology

28. Study of flower is called
ans: anthology

29. Physical basis of life is
ans: Protoplasm

30. Infolding of mitochondria is called
ans: Cristae

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