Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Branches of biology

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Biology science have three major divisions: Zoology (animals science), Botany (plant science), and Microbiology (microorganisms). Some important branches of Biology are given below:

SN Branch Area of study
1. Agrobiology Quantitive aspects of plant life and nutrition
2. Agroforestry Use of land for cultivation of herbaceous and tree crops
3. Agronomy Management of farms, cultivation of field crops
4. Agrology Soil science in relation to production of crops
5.  Algology (Phycology) Algae
6. Anatomy Internal structure
7. Angiology Blood vessels
8. Anthrology Human Beings
9. Araneology Spiders
10. Anthology Flowers
11. Bionomics Relationship of an organisms with its living and non-living environment
12. Bacteriology Bacteria
13. Biochemistry Chemical reactions in relation to life activities
14. Biogeography Distribution of plants and animals
15. Biotechnology Utilization of living organisms and their products in industrial processes
16. Biogeography Distribution of plants and animals
17. Biometrics Mathematical statistics in relation to biological research
18. Carcinology Crustaceans
19. Carcinomalogy Cancer
20. Cardiology Heart
21. Chondrology Cartilage
22. Craniology Skull
23. Conchology Mulluscan shells
24. Dermatology Skin
25. Demecology population in relation to its environment
26. Ecology Interaction of organisms with their environment
27. Embryology Embryonic development of organisms
28. Entomology Insects
29. Ethology Animal behavior
30. Etiology Causes of diseases
31. Evolution Origin and evolution of life
32. Etiology Causes of diseases
33. Forestry Growing and conservation of forests
34. Genetics Heredity and variations
35. Haematology Blood
36. Hepatology Liver
37. Herpetology Amphibians and reptiles
38. Histology Tisssues
39. Icthyology Fishes
40. Karyology Nucleus
41. Limnology Fresh water bodies
42. Mastology Mammary glands
43. Morphology Forms and structure
44. Mycology Fungi
45. Myology Muscles
46. Myrmecology Ants
47. Nephrology Kidney
48. Nidology Nests
49 Ophilogy Snakes
50. Ornithology Birds
51. Palaeontology Fossils
52. Pediatrics Disorder and diseases of childrens
53. Saurology Lizards
54. Synecology Community in relation to environments
55. Spelaeology Organisms inhabiting in caves
56. Spermology Seeds
57. Taxonomy Identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms
58. Toxicology Production of toxins and their effects on organisms
59. Trophology Nutrition
60. Zymology Fermentation
If you have  knowledge on more branches you can feel free to comment. 

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